HOLO Center table by Marcus Tremonto
Swarovski Digital Crystal Exhibition London Design Museum
We approached the brief for this project from questions and perspectives. One in understanding what the parameters of a "Digital" world entailed and how it changes, defines and influences our lives. There is often question as to what truly digital is, primarily Digital is a format of relation/implementation or recording of data (regardless of subject) through various medium. Circuits in a computer are what you must consider analog in compound that transmit digitized data, either diode or fiber optic, these are the analog tools that the digital world needs to translate. In fact, what was evident to us was that, as our life becomes more digital, the true example of how we use it is in the recording of our lives in images, text, knowledge and how the world appears to us. Is there anything between 1's and 0's? is the space between an object not an object itself...In the movement between pixels, is not the movement or binder between digital points analog..and in theory is anything truly digital? these were the questions. As I right this millions of images are being taken, shared and stored...recording history in a way never before...the landscape we exist on will be documented through time, and through this format and application there is magic, to be able to travel across the world on a phone and look at a building of friend is amazing. The project HOLO Center table came from these questions of recording, motion between points, and magic. Crystal is a medium, a compound, and its magic comes from the interaction around it, the reflection and refraction of light. The idea for the table came from recording an object in a digital format but in 3D, a truly HOLOgraphic print to record an object in totality. A 3D Holographic print needs light, like crystal to illustrate its beauty and changes as motion is implemented. Thus we created a Digital Crystal object that is recorded in 3D like a photo. In insetting the Print into the top of the table, with the reference of a Traditional centerpiece, we are suggesting the alteration of how we will perceive the world around us as the world will further be present to us as perception.